
Syrup Fiordatussi is a traditional herbal medicinal product used as an demulcent for the symptomatic treatment of oral and pharyngeal irritations and associated dry cough.

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Gastrovit MultiActive

The product is intended for traditional use in indigestion (accompanied by heartburn, eructation, and nausea) and gastrointestinal disorders caused by insufficient gastric and bile secretion.

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Intractum Crataegi Phytopharm

Traditional medicinal plant product supporting the function of the heart and circulatory system, used in mild heart disorders resulting from age after serious heart diseases are ruled out by a physician.

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Intractum Hippocastani Phytopharm

Traditionally used for the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (such as lower leg oedema, pruritus, calf cramps, pain and “heavy legs”). As an auxiliary in varices. The effectiveness of the product is based only on long-term use and experience.

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Intractum Visci Phytopharm

Medicinal product used traditionally in persons at risk of arterial hypertension who have been recommended a lifestyle change (in addition to doctor’s recommendations) by a physician and who are under regular medical supervision.

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